12th Man Update – 24 November 2009
Onome Sodje
First, we are very pleased to confirm that the 12th Man Fund has enabled a second signing to be made. The Fund will pay for Onome Sodje’s loan period here. Welcome, Onome, and every success during your time with United.
The £10,000 target is smashed!
By 23 November the total cleared funds in the 12th Man account had leapt to an extraordinary £9,462.
This means that in total, including the payment of £5,000 made in respect of Jamie Cook, £14,462 has been banked. The initial target of £10,000 over the whole season has been demolished and it will rise further in the coming days – a tribute to the fans and to everyone involved.
Events update
The Priory Race Night on 21 November and the 6-a-side on 22 November made for a busy weekend and everyone who attended enjoyed themselves. Congratulations respectively to Tim Rackley at the Priory and to Mark Sennett of OxVox for organising these two events so successfully. The victorious United 6-a-side team are pictured – they did not have the strength left to lift the trophy, so you can only see the top of it!
12th Man Christmas Party at the Priory on December 5th: Look out for the announcements this week and next, and please come along after the match against Ebbsfleet. This will be an event for all the family, featuring food, a raffle, and a memorabilia auction.
Sunday 6th December: The second afternoon 6-a-side competition is held, again at Oxford Brookes. Having won the first competition the OUFC team will be going for the double.
Other fundraisers:
Donations: These are picking up now and more are welcomed to boost that total! £10 or more to 12th Man gets you entry into a draw at the end of 2009 for a day at the training ground. £20 or more also gets you a year’s free membership of OxVox. Please donate online, via the OxVox and OxKits websites, or send a cheque payable to ‘The 12th Man’ to 18 Harvest Way, Witney, Oxon OX 28 1EG.
Wristbands: 3,000 wristbands were produced and 2,800 were sold last week. Many thanks to the Oxford Mail and the Club for a strong promotional campaign. Only small numbers remain. There is no immediate plan to re-order at this point. The remainder are being sold around the ground.
12th Man badges: 4,000 were produced of which 3765 have been sold. Only yellow badges remain, and subject to availability will be sold at the club shop and around the ground.
Flag bearer: The flag bearer package for £50 is well established – a few matches remain this season. Please email twelfthman@oxvox.org.uk for details.
OxVox membership: For the rest of the year, supporters’ trust OxVox is donating 25% of all new membership fees to 12th Man. Sign up at www.oxvox.org.uk .
Photos: The 100 limited edition signed photos of Les Phillips and Jeremy Charles in the 1986 Milk Cup run have also sold heavily but some still remain – to reserve yours please contact Greig Box Turnbull at oxfordutd.12thmanpix@yahoo.co.uk .
Looking forward
12th Man doesn’t stop with 2010 arriving. There will be a pause over the festive period, but we already know of several new ideas running up to the end of the season and beyond. If you want to run an event or have a fundraising idea, do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.